Other Names of Pentobarbital | Common Synonyms Listed

Pentobarbital, also known as pentobarbitone in British and Australian contexts, is a short-acting barbiturate primarily used as a sedative, preanesthetic, and to control convulsions in emergency situations. It has also been used for short-term treatment of insomnia, although it has largely been replaced by benzodiazepines for this purpose.

Uses of Pentobarbital

Medical Uses of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital is used medically as a hypnotic for short-term treatment of insomnia and as an anticonvulsant in emergency situations. It is also used to induce sleep, cause sedation, and control certain types of seizures.

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Veterinary Uses of Pentobarbital

In veterinary medicine, pentobarbital is used for euthanasia, often in combination with other drugs like phenytoin. It is administered as an intravenous injection to provide animals with a quick and humane death.

Capital Punishment

Pentobarbital has been used in capital punishment by lethal injection, particularly when other drugs like sodium thiopental became unavailable. It has been used both in single-drug protocols and as part of three-drug protocols in several U.S. states and by the federal government. Buy Nembutal pentobarbital sodium online

Physician-Assisted Suicide

Pentobarbital is used for physician-assisted suicide in several U.S. states and countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands. It is typically administered orally in a liquid form, often mixed with sugar syrup and alcohol, to induce death.

Mechanism of Action

Pentobarbital belongs to the barbiturate class of medications and primarily works on the central nervous system (CNS). It is a nonselective CNS depressant, which means it can be used as a sedative hypnotic and also as an anticonvulsant in subhypnotic doses. The basic structure of barbiturates is barbituric acid, which has no CNS activity on its own. The activity is obtained by substituting alkyl, alkenyl, or aryl groups on the pyrimidine ring.

Side Effects of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital can cause serious side effects, including confusion, depression, or excitement, especially in older adults and those who are ill or debilitated. It is important to avoid drinking alcohol while taking pentobarbital, as this can lead to dangerous side effects. Using pentobarbital with other drugs that slow breathing can also be hazardous.

Warnings and Interactions of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital interacts with various drugs, including MAO inhibitors, other seizure medications, and steroid medicines. It is crucial to inform healthcare providers about all medications being taken to ensure safety. The drug should be used with caution in individuals who are 65 or older, as they may experience more side effects. Purchase Nembutal online

Legal Status of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital is subject to control under the Federal Controlled Substances Act and is categorized as a high-risk habit-forming drug under DEA Schedule II.

History of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital was first used in 1930 under the brand name Nembutal, coined by John S. Lundy. The name Nembutal is derived from the structural formula of the sodium salt of pentobarbital.

Society and Culture

Pentobarbital has been a subject of debate and legal changes regarding its use in capital punishment and physician-assisted suicide. Its availability and use have been influenced by the availability of other drugs and legal regulations.


Studies have shown that the administration of anesthetic and sedation drugs, including pentobarbital, during periods of rapid brain growth or synaptogenesis can lead to neuronal and oligodendrocyte cell loss in the developing brain. This vulnerability is believed to correlate with exposures in the third trimester of gestation through the first several months of life, and may extend up to approximately 3 years of age in humans.

Other Names of Pentobarbital

Pentobarbital is also known by the brand name Nembutal and is available as Nembutal Sodium. It is part of the barbiturate class of drugs, which are derivatives of barbituric acid.